Quest:Instance: A Broken Mosaic

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Instance: A Broken Mosaic
Level 134
Type Solo
Starts with Fastrith Hawkfeast
Starts at Zul-mazal
Start Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [40.0S, 115.3W]
Ends with Imák
Ends at Zul-mazal
End Region Pit of Stonejaws
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 7
Reflecting Pool Gundabad Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

A Broken Mosaic
"Fortune smiles upon the Gabil'akkâ, I think! Is there not an artist in Gundabad who might repair this broken mosaic?"


Bori suggested that you bring Fastrith to inspect the broken mosaic in Zul-mazal in order to see if her master Stáli the Hewer would be interested in it.

Objective 1

Fastrith has come to Zul-mazal.

Imák says, "You go ahead. I care not for Longbeard art."
Fastrith Hawkfeast: 'This mosaic must have been quite lovely, once! I have only been apprenticed to Stáli the Hewer for a short time, but I am certain he will want to see this!'

Objective 2

  • Listen to the dwarves discuss the broken mosaic in Zul-mazal

Fastrith and the other dwarves stand in Zul-mazal, discussing the broken mosaic on the wall.

Fastrith says, "This is really something!"
Fastrith says, "It is a shame that the passage of the years has ruined such a work of art!"
Bori says, "Aye, so it is."
Bróin says, "I think the mosaic was damaged by more than just time, cousin."
Bori says, "What makes you say that, Bróin?"
Bróin says, "Orcs revel in the destruction of beauty."
Fastrith says, "You speak truth! They delight in it!"
Fastrith says, "So many stones are missing. Villains must have taken them away."
Fastrith says, "What do you think the mosaic depicted when it was made?"
Bori says, "Who can say?"
Bróin says, "Actually, I think I can!"
Fastrith says, "You can?"
Bróin says, "Cousin, do you remember when our fathers assembled the Iron Garrison at Erebor?"
Bori says, "Of course."
Bróin says, "A mosaic stood in the Hall Under the Mountain."
Fastrith says, "I have seen it!"
Fastrith says, "It stands now in the workshop of Stáli the Hewer! He was seeking to restore it."
Fastrith says, "I saw it there once when I visited my brother Eskil."
Bori says, "I remember there WAS a mosaic, but that's all."
Bróin says, "That mosaic must have been a copy of this one!"
Fastrith says, "Yes! I can see it now!"
Fastrith says, "Durin the Deathless stands here."
Fastrith says, "He delivers judgement to Mótsog the Traitor."
Fastrith says, "If we were to find the stolen stones that made up the mosaic..."
Bróin says, "...we could restore it!"
Bori says, "That sounds hard."
Bori says, "You are more likely to find the lost Zabad'ibîn, I think."
Fastrith says, "Perhaps we will find both! Bróin will help me!"
Bróin says, "I will!"
Imák says, "<name>."
Imák calls for you from the other side of the chamber

Objective 3

  • Talk to Imák in Zul-mazal

Bored by the discussion, Imák has called for you to speak with him. He believes danger is near.

Imák: 'Something smells foul, <name>. Let them study that mosaic... we should look around for the source of this unsettling odour.
'I think danger is near.'

Objective 4

  • Protect Imák as he looks for the danger he has sensed

Bored by the discussion, Imák has called for you to speak with him. He believes danger is near.

Imák says, "Hmm... do you hear that?"
Imák says, "There could be more. Do not relax your guard!"
Hobgoblin Prey-catcher says, "They're in here!"
Hobgoblin Prey-catcher says, "There they are!"
Imák says, "<name>, get him!"
Imák says, "There will be more of them. Let's return to the others and prepare!"

Objective 5

  • Return to Zul-mazal with Imák and ready the defence

A hobgoblin prey-catcher has found the entrance to Zul-mazal, and before he was slain he alerted his band to your position. You and the dwarves must ready your defence!

Bori says, "What happened? I heard shouting!"
Imák says, "Hobgoblins."
Fastrith says, "Hobgoblins! How exciting!"
Bróin says, "How many are there?"
Imák says, "Does it matter?"
Bróin says, "Spoken like a Longbeard, Imák!"
Imák says, "Hmmph."
Bori says, "<name>, are you ready?"

Objective 6

  • Talk to Bori in Zul-mazal

Bori and the other dwarves prepare to defend Zul-mazal from the hobgoblin hunting-pack.

Bori: 'These hobgoblins do not know who they have chosen for dancing partners!
'Let us show them the mistake they have made!'

Objective 7

  • Fight alongside the dwarves in defence of Zul-mazal. The dwarves must not be defeated!

Bori and the other dwraves prepare to defend Zul-mazal from the hobgoblin hunting-pack.

Bori says, "Here they come!"
Hobgoblin Sigil-carver says, "This place is ours now!"
Hobgoblin Prey-catcher says, "Take this!"
Fastrith says, "This is sweaty labour!"
Hobgoblin Sigil-carver says, "This place is not for dwarves!"
Hurdbúrz says, "Slay them, you slugs!"
Hurdbúrz says, "Worthless slugs!"

Objective 8

  • Remain alert for any further threats to the dwarves

You and the dwarves have defended Zul-mazal from the hobgoblin hunting-party.

Bori says, "Was that the last of them?"
Imák says, "It seems so."
Fastrith says, "That is a pity! I was just getting warmed up!"
Fasrtith says, "But now I can better examine the mosaic, so I suppose that is for the best."
Bróin says, "And I will help you, Fastrith."
Bróin says, "We will restore the mosaic in this chamber, hobgoblins or no hobgoblins!"
Fastrith says, "Or worse?"
Bróin says, "Or worse!"
Imák: 'That was well-fought, <name>. Perhaps these Longbeards can take care of themselves after all... so long as there is a Stout-axe nearby to lend a hand!'